I hate to even post this as I always post everything I do for free. I don’t want to put a paywall between this work and teachers who are already underpaid. Resources - like buying books, paying for my website, blog, etc. - gets expensive when funds are tight. If you use my resources and would like to send a little support, I’d appreciate it. If you can’t, I understand and I’ll keep on posting anyway! Thank you to everyone for all of your support over the years!
Any donation is appreciated - thank you!
Free Comics - let me know if you have others to add!
Are you an Amazon Prime member? There are free comics available!
Comics focused on WWI era from Creative Centenaries| - WWI Comics
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L6Ozgd3e87VoRe7ZKr0p5YOU36Sjzob2/view?usp=sharing - Will Eisner’s The Plot: The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
NASA - search the App store for “NASA’s First Woman” - wow!!!! This comic from NASA has an amazingly engaging VR experience, can be read in English or Spanish, can be read aloud, and focuses on the next Mars mission - a Latina!!!!! Love this comic!
A comic made from a non profit that not only discusses the inherent literary/literacy value of comics, that includes high level vocabulary, includes visual literacy that adds depth to the story… and is finished by encouraging students to create their own comics, even giving blank comic pages and videos to help! Look for great things from Operation Comic Book soon! https://www.operationcomicbook.org/captain-comic-book-1st-issue
Healthcare stories in the age of COVID. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/covid-chronicles-vol-1-nurse-s-anguish-icu-ncna1229996?fbclid=IwAR3cyMtikUoNt0f89Xv3MHmOOOsV90R8h_iR4fzkCnJHYvPNgcnK8WqGj6E
From the Center For Cartoon Studies, a comic about the US Healthcare System. (Thank you for the heads up @NoeTheMatt) https://www.cartoonstudies.org/cartooningprojects/healthcare/?fbclid=IwAR1Wg-LFhknqmA62DgUQpG2kPU07R2ergv9Potu3ICMha9YAVgV8SthiztU
Here are three free online comics about WWI, created by students - https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/education/armistice-and-legacy.pdf
http://jayhosler.com/science-comics.html?fbclid=IwAR1Uo0tXUTBoWy304XKr2hHbsK_zzWxTxsg_ns8AqQbvRYSha_xYJJ4DxI4 - WONDERFUL comics all on science by the inspiring Jay Hosler
https://www.bigredhair.com/books/aztec-empire/about/ - well researched web comic about the Aztec Empire
https://www.cdc.gov/cpr/zombie/00_docs/zombie_pandemic.pdf?fbclid=IwAR055HpB26X8tLNiAMEXu226tC4v6p9gx428sA-LwtYdC8wNxvDu7305yBc - a comic from the CDC that showcases the need to be prepared for emergencies - including a zombie apocalypse!
https://libguides.sdsu.edu/c.php?g=409672&p=7446739 - from San Diego State University
https://pankmagazine.com/2014/05/29/gutter/ - a comic on ADHD from Jarod Roselló
https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/11/25/938455289/from-syria-to-brooklyn-a-teen-seeks-a-safe-place-in-the-universe - I will pair this powerful comic with Madaya Mom when discussing the geo-political importance of Syria and the humanity of the global refugee crisis.
https://historycomics.edublogs.org/ - this is my blog where I share a lot of my own classroom experiences and how use comics in education
https://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/resources/comics?fbclid=IwAR10zbDik6Mwn76aGre3dYS2Fi6UTxkc8wK0wXVTpvtfTRfTKCCT4GV6OnE - Marvel comics on personal finance - complete with teacher resources. (Thank you to @TracyEdmunds for sharing this with me!)
https://www.gilderlehrman.org/sites/default/files/09640.160_OS.pdf - 1964 comic from the NAACP on the importance of voting to make a difference.
https://www.ausa.org/medal-honor-graphic-novels - Medal of Honor recipients. Hosted by the US Army.
http://www.ala.org/rt/gncrt/-guide-reading-library-comics-home - a large collection of resources hosted by the ALA Graphic Novels Roundtable
https://www.dhhrm.org/graphic_novels/ - Multiple comics from the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum. Each focuses on a different genocide and I can see assigning these are group work. Each team would read the same comic, report back, and find similarities between each.
https://www.elliemakescomics.com/ - Ellie is a true favorite in our house! These comics are perfect for elementary-aged kids and classrooms.
https://www.avclub.com/read-all-of-black-1-the-politically-charged-comic-abo-1819976823 - one of the most jaw-dropping comics I have ever read. Really lead to some amazing conversations in my Pop Culture Club. You will want to buy the entire series.
https://positivenegatives.org/ - this is one of the most powerful resources I have ever seen! True stories from around the world - people struggling with modern issues such as poverty, conflict, refugees, and more.
http://www.solutionsquad.net/blog/2020/03/19/the-new-normal/ - from an inspiring middle school math teacher - an engaging way to learn about math concepts! My own kids (and I) have learned so much! I talk about this comic in all of my presentations. Jim is also offering free lesson plans to go along with the comic! Follow @TheJimMcClain
https://weirdenoughproductions.com/ - learn about all things Media Literacy! This is an exciting approach to teaching about social media and our responsibility to the world around us. The lesson plans are aligned with Common Core and SEL Competencies.
https://abcnews.go.com/International/fullpage/madaya-mom-42363064 - a powerful comic from ABC News and Marvel focusing on one mother’s struggle to help her family survive during the Syrian Conflict. This is how I use it in my classroom - https://historycomics.edublogs.org/2017/04/09/a-human-humanities-course/
https://www.youtube.com/studiojjk Jarrett J. Krosoczka will be hosting webcasts every weekday at 2PM EST https://www.youtube.com/studiojjk - so much imagination! If you haven’t read Hey, Kiddo yet, it is a powerful must read for every educator).
https://www.cartoonstudies.org/democracy/ - an excellent all encompassing look at the US government and the role of its citizens. I have used this in my own classroom - perfect for all levels of readers!
https://www.cartoonstudies.org/programs/ccs-one-week-cartooning-workout/ - a FREE one week online course on how to make comics
https://www.weteachnyc.org/resources/resource/registered/ - a great comic by Andrew Aydin (of the March Trilogy!) and team. A wonderful way to reach high school students on the importance of voting!
https://www.weteachnyc.org/resources/resource/action-activists/ - wonderful comic by Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey. (Check out their Action Presidents books as well!)
https://jarrettlerner.com/activities/ - Want to get your kids excited about writing and literacy? Jarrett Lerner is so full of imagination and humor that they won’t be able to resist! (Jarrett is an amazing presenter and we LOVE his Enginerds books!)
https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/panels_and_perspectives-508.pdf - a great overview of the history of comics, how they are created, and how to make your own. Put together by the US State Department and Dan Ryder (@WickedDecent) and Jacquie Gardy (@jacquiegardy)
https://bethbarnett.co/portfolio/the-sykes-picot-agreement/?fbclid=IwAR3re98O-MmmO3m6c-WPbnumR-UWtML41s4sNErZ-vIeABHx4O-yGIwaF0I - a visual explanation of the Sykes-Picot Agreement - something that has such an important impact on current events.
https://bethbarnett.co/portfolio/a-letter-from-camp-devens/?fbclid=IwAR3re98O-MmmO3m6c-WPbnumR-UWtML41s4sNErZ-vIeABHx4O-yGIwaF0I - a historical story about the impact of the Influenza Pandemic.
https://bethbarnett.co/portfolio/in-flanders-fields/?fbclid=IwAR3v69sQ9GStyYFaLd32HsErOrxB-bagDT-LrdWTKe0Pa2H7VCNrBhqzjZk - a haunting visualization of the poem, Flanders Fields. I have my own students annotate this and other WWI poetry, then create their own poems about WWI. The final piece is to create their own visual representation of their poems.
http://physicscentral.com/explore/comics/index.cfm - free online science comics from the American Physical Society - www.aps.org.
https://www.ncsc.org/Education-and-Careers/Civics-Education/Justice-Case-Files.aspx - online comics and coloring books from the National Center for State Courts. Runs through several important court cases and their verdicts, explains how courts work, etc.
https://www.biodefensestudy.org/germ-warfare - authored by Max Brooks and the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense. “This is a highly stylized and engaging graphic novel depicting previous biological warfare events, the possibilities for the future, and the continued need for public health security. Germs. They are too small to see with the naked eye, but they have killed more human beings than all the wars in history. Before humans even knew that germs caused disease, they knew disease could be a weapon of war. “Germ Warfare” traces the long, brutal story of those microscopic weapons. From the infected arrows of Bronze Age archers, to the plague factories of World War 2, up through the biological arms race of the Cold War into our modern age of genetically manipulated terrorism. This graphic history is both a lesson from the past and a warning for the future. It reminds us never to take public health for granted, because we never know when, or how, the next pandemic will rise.”
https://classroom.popcultureclassroom.org/product/educational-comix-series/colorful-history/ This is created by Pop Culture Classroom - an amazing organization! I have written some of the lesson plans/teacher resources as well. These are based on people/events in US history - they can be used for any grade level.
All about the Federal Reserve - published by the Federal Reserve! https://www.newyorkfed.org/outreach-and-education/comic-books
WWII - How to Spot a Jap - http://www.ep.tc/howtospotajap/howto08.html - this horribly racist comic from the US War Dept was also published in USA newspapers.
1951 Civil Defense comic book - If an A-bombs Falls http://www.ep.tc/comics/a-bomb/
1954 Civil Defense comic book - The H bomb and You - http://www.ep.tc/comics/h-bomb/index.html
NASA comics - https://www.astrobio.net/nasa-astrobio-graphic-novels/
http://www.crmvet.org/docs/ms_for_comic.pdf - The Montgomery Story. This is a comic that was distributed during the US Civil Rights Movement and teaches the methods of non-violent resistance. MLK, Jr. helped edit it.
http://features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas/ - Marshall Islands and climate change research. What will happen to the Pacific Islands as sea levels rise? Drawn by the amazing Nate Powell of March fame.
https://thenib.com/hide-out/ - also by Nate Powell on the Nib.
https://thenib.com/pecking-order/ - also by Nate Powell on the Nib
https://popula.com/2019/02/24/about-face/ - also by Nate Powell
http://www.seemybrotherdance.org/seemybrotherdance/2018/6/6/mr-seahorse - Nate Powell’s magical and poetic look at parenthood
http://www.magictorchcomics.co.uk/blog - this includes an amazing comic on Gallipoli in WWI
http://thecomicrepublic.com/readcomics.html - free downloadable comics from Nigeria! Compare US hero comics to these as a cultural learning experience in the classroom
https://www.comixology.com/free-comics there are some freebies in with the paid comics
https://comicstore.marvel.com/free-comics- some freebies
http://comicbookplus.com - older comics that have entered the public domain - fascinating!
https://digitalcomicmuseum.com// - another for comics in the public domain
- Make a mini comic from one piece of paper! Posted by the Smithsonian!
https://t.co/FdPMeigPgC - Free Marvel comic teaching about the environment
http://www.diamondbookshelf.com/Home/1/1/20/1219 - Diamond Bookshelf Magazine. Great resource for educators and librarians. I have written several articles for them - how to get comics approved for the classroom, integrating historical fiction, and more.
/ - Fred Korematsu - Japanese-American Interment Camps - includes a free graphic novel making connections between 9/11 and these iternment camps
https://fsp.duke.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Haitian-Revolution_ENG.pdf - Haitian Revolution
https://read.ghostriver.org/ — Conestoga
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QNDF4cTENnSdQi4uAuMpg - my YouTube channel. Just a few videos.