I hate to even post this as I always post everything I do for free. I don’t want to put a paywall between this work and teachers who are already underpaid. Resources - like buying books, paying for my website, blog, etc. - gets expensive when funds are tight. If you use my resources and would like to send a little support, I’d appreciate it. If you can’t, I understand and I’ll keep on posting anyway! Thank you to everyone for all of your support over the years!
Any donation is appreciated - thank you!
Riveting stories focusing on WWII, Iraq, and one story that goes through all of America's wars. Thought-provoking.
Wow! GREAT BOOK! What an interesting way to teach about WWI, WWII, and Vietnam - animals have always been with man in times of struggle. I often discuss with students how the Russians trained dogs to go after Nazi tanks - this always results in engaged students. The book is sad at times, but always inspiring. I would not recommend under 8th grade due to battle violence.